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    Readi ng Comprehensi on(30 poi nts, 2 poi nts each) 从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

    In a quiet, darkened lecture room, you begin a frustrating fight againstfatigue. The overhead projector hums, and you cannot concentrate on the slides.Youstop absorbing information and become absentminded. The professor lost you a longtime ago. You are bored.Virtually everyone gets bored once in a while. Most of us chalk it up to a dullenvironment. “The most common way to define boredom in Western culture is ‘havingnothing to do, ’ ” says psychologist Stephen Vodanovich of the University of WestFlorida. And indeed,early research into the effects of boredom focused on peopleforced to perform dull tasks,such as working a factory assembly line.But boredom is not merely an natural property of the circumstances,researcherssay.Rather this perception is subjective and rooted in aspects ofconsciousness.Levels of boredom vary among people:some individuals are far lessliable to boredom than others—and some,such as extroverts(性格外向者),are morelikely to have this feeling.

    Thus, a new generation of scientists is coping with the psychologicalinterpretations of this most tedious of human emotions—and they have found that itis more complicated than is commonly known.Researchers say that boredom is not aunified concept but rather comes in several flavors.Level of attention,an aspect ofconscious awareness,plays an important role in boredom,such that improving aperson’s ability to focus may therefore decrease boredom.Emotional factors can alsocontribute to boredom.People who are poor in understanding their own feelings andthose who become sucked in and distracted by their moods are more easily bored,forample.Staying away from tedium is not easy.People who are liable to boredom are morelikely to suffer from ills such as depression and drug addiction;they also tend tobe socially awkward and poor performers at school or work.

    (1). The purpose of the first paragraph is to.

    (A). illustrate why people are less able to focus

    (B). show how boring a lecture in a dark room is

    (C). tell people how fatigue affects concentration

    (D). describe a situation where people can get bored


    (2). It can be concluded from Para. 2 that.

    (A). doing nothing leads people to get bored easily

    (B). western people pay little attention to boredom

    (C). boredom only affects the assembly line worker

    (D). people are liable to get bored in a dull situation


    (3). Researchers hold that boredom results from.

    (A). natural surroundings

    (B). various kinds of factors

    (C). sensitive personalities

    (D). subjective perceptions


    (4). Improvement of people’ s ability to focus may.

    (A). affect their moods

    (B). distract their minds

    (C). reduce their boredom

    (D). increase their depression


    (5). The passage mainly involves.

    (A). effects of boredom on people’s life and work

    (B). various ways to conquer the feeling of boredom

    (C). studies of possible reasons why people get bored

    (D). the importance of scientific research into boredom







