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    10. popular adj. 流行的,大众的;普及的;受欢迎的

    Popular music is well liked by young people.〔流行音乐深受年轻人的喜爱。〕

    Swimming is a sport popular with people of all ages.〔游泳是老老少少都喜欢的体育运动。〕

    He has always been popular with / among boys in his community.


    This restaurant offers meals at popular prices.〔这家饭店供应价格大众化的饭菜。〕

    11. handful n. 一把,一小撮

    He told the doctor that his hair fell out in handfuls.(他对医生说他的头发一把一把地脱落。)

    He gave me nothing except for a handful of books.〔除了少量的几本书他什么也没给我。〕


    12. formation n. 岩层;形成,构成

    Most diamonds are mined from rock formations inside the earth.


    The formation of good habits is very important for a child.〔好习惯的养成对孩子来说很重要。〕

    13. pipe n. 管子,导管;烟斗 v.用管道输送

    14. somewhat adv. 稍微,有点

    It is somewhat difficult for him to answer the question.(要他回答这个问题有点难。)

    15. blast n. 疾风,强风;爆炸 v.炸,炸掉

    A blast of cold air sent a shiver all over his body.〔一股冷气使他浑身战栗。〕

    They decided to blast through the mountains. 〔他们打算炸山开路。〕

    16.crush v. 压碎;镇压,压倒

    The machine can crush rocks into powder.〔那台机器能把石头碾成粉末。〕

    Can you imagine that debts are crushing them?〔你能想像到债务正压得他们喘不过气来吗?〕

    17. destroy v. 破坏,毁灭;消灭

    18. impressive adj.给人深刻印象的,感人的

    impression n. 印象

    impress v. 给…极深的印象

    I had the impression that he was a teacher.〔我记得他好像是个老师。〕

    What impressed me most were the great changes in this city.〔给我印象最深的是这座城市的巨大变化。〕

    19. experience n 经验;经历 v. 经历,遭受

    experienced adj. 有经验的

    20. immediately adv. 即刻地;紧密地

    immediate adj. 立刻的;最接近的

    He said he had to go to the hospital immediately.〔他说他得立即去医院。〕

    The post office is immediately next to the bank.〔邮局紧挨着银行。〕

    You have to give them an immediate reply.〔你得立刻答复他们。〕

    It is necessary that you get the support from your immediate superior.〔你必须得到顶头上司的支持。〕






