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1、word study
① exert
He has exerted all his strength to attain his goal.
He has been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my mind.
These principles exerted great influence upon the course of the revolution.
② collapse
The storm caused the collapse of the wooden shelter.
He suffered from a nervous collapse.
The collapse of the government left the country in confusion.
The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.
The negotiations collapsed after several meetings.
In the last weeks of the war she collapsed from long imprisonment.
③ lauch
vt 1、发射,投射;2、使(船)下水
The satellite was launched in a rocket.
The hunter launched a spear at the wolf.
A new ship has been successfully launched.
vt ./vi.发动,发起(运动等)
launch out into 开始,着手进行
Our army launched an attack on the enemy.
The police launched an investigation into the case.
The research group launched out into a series of new experiment.
④ operate
vi. 1、运转,起作用;2、动手术(on,upon)
The elevator operates smoothly.
The medicine gradually operated.
The doctor operated on the neck of the patient.
This airline operates five main lines and dozens of branch lines.
Do you know how to operate the machine?
The doctor operated the patient on the neck.
He was operated on for lung cancer.
Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape.
The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point.
Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.
If a man fell into a black hole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly.
It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.
On the other hand, scientists have suggested that every advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind.
Unit 2 练习:
escape, explode, collapse, shrink, gravity, measurement, basis, launch, convincing, companion,
speculation, swallow, operate, to make use of, a great many, above all
1) ~6) 与常考句型相同。
7) There might be a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate.
8) They show us a world which operates in a totally different way from our own and they question our most basic experience of space and time.
3 句子汉译英
Astronomers have not yet fully solved the problem of what a black hole is.
It is said that black holes are able to swallow up all the objects around them, such as stars .
The research of black holes is just beginning and speculation about them are endless.
Scientists still can not tell what happens inside a black hole.
It is still impossible for scientists to tell what happens inside a black hole.
If we understood black holes, they would not be so fearful .
Black holes will not be so fearful if we get to know them.
Ⅰ.Word Spelling
1.密度 n. density _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2.(使)倒塌,(使)崩溃 v. collapse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3.边界线,边界 n. boundary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4.永恒的,经久不变的 a.c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5.基础,根据 n.b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6.发射,发动 v.l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7.双胞胎之一 a.t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8.同伴,同事 n.c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9.人类 n.m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10.推测,猜测 n.s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11.吞 v.s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12.不充分的 a.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
13.物质 n.m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
14.情况,环境 a.c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
15.发生,出现 v.o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
16.强烈的 a.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
17.证据 n.e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
18.看不见的 a.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
19.宇航员 n.a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
20.热带的 a.t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ⅱ.Word Form
1.Supernovae____(report) by astronomers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
2.Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble, but still____(have) the same mass, and you have some idea of the force of a black hole.
3.If one____(make) a journey over the Continents one would find every kind of surface including mountain ranges, plains, and empty areas covered permanently by ice and snow.
4.And astronomers are planning a new observatory to study the individual exploding stars____(believe) to be black holes.
5.Matter from the one which we can see____(pull) towards the companion star.
6.There might be a massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy____(swallow) up stars at a very rapid rate.
7.The most____(convince) evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems.
8.They show us a world which operates in a ____(total) different way from our own.
9.The surface of some areas____(consist) largely of high mountains and deep valleys.
10.Our world is the home of a very great many different people-peoples with different____(colour) skins.
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Structure
1.Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space (not a thing)____which matter has fallen and____which nothing can escape-not even light.
[A] into into
[B] into from
[C] from into
[D] from from
2.This process of shrinking may be so intense____a black hole results.
[A] whether
[B] what
[C] which
[D] that
3.Binary stars,____their name suggests, are twin stars whose position in space affects each other.
[A] as
[B] that
[C] what
[D] if
4.In some binary systems, astronomers have shown that there is an invisible companion star, a 'partner' to____which we can see in the sky.
[A] the one
[B] that
[C] the ones
[D] those
5.On the other hand, scientists have suggested that very advanced technology could one day____the energy of black holes for mankind.
[A] make fun of
[B] make sure of
[C] make use of
[D] make sense of
6.Astronomers have evidence of a few other stars too, which might have black holes as____.
[A] companies
[B] comparisons
[C] compounds
[D] companions
7.The earth is one of nine planets which move in____round the sun.
[A] track
[B] orbit
[C] tour
[D] route
8.In August 1977, a satellite was____to gather data about the black holes in the Milky way.
[A] posted
[B] delivered
[C] launched
[D] transmitted
9.The terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are____here.
[A] inadequate
[B] invisible
[C] intense
[D] individual
10.We know nothing about events which happen once objects pass this boundary, But____,matter must behave very differently inside the hole.
[A] in addition
[B] in person
[C] in detail
[D] in theory
Ⅳ.C-E Translation
单元自测答案 Unit 2
Ⅰ.Word Spelling
1.density 2.collapse 3.boundary
4.constant 5.basis 6.launch
7.twin 8.companion 9.mankind
10.speculation 11.swallow 12.inadequate
13.matter 14.circumstance 15.occur
16.intense 17.evidence 18.invisible
19.astronaut 20.tropical
Ⅱ.Word Form
1.were reported 2.having 3.made
4.believed 5.is being pulled 6.swallowing
7.convincing 8.totally 9.consists
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Structure
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C
6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D
Ⅳ.C-E Translation
1.This process of shrinking is so intense that a black hole results.
2.It is only recently/It is not until recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.
3.But in theory, matter must behave very differently/in a very different manner inside the black hole.
4.The most convincing evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems.
5.Mankind may one day meet this fate.
1. 星体的密度增大到一定程度时就会发生爆炸。
答: The star will explode when its density increases to some extent.
2. 你能想象黑洞的引力有多大吗?
答: Can you imagine how strong the gravitational pull of a black hole is ?
3. 假如有人掉进黑洞,他会认为很快能到达黑洞的中心。
答:If a man fell into a black hole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly.
4. 早在17世纪天文学家便对超新星有过报道。
答: Supernovae were reported by astronomers as early as in the seventeenth century.
5. 他已尽了全力以达到自己的目标。
答: He has exerted all his strength to attain his goal.

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